Monday, March 29, 2010

How to Get Rid of Field Mice

If you have a field mice infestation inside or outside the home, then follow these tips. If you aren't sure if they are technically field mice or not, it's OK because this process will work with any kind of mouse.

First you need to mow the yard as short as possible and clean up any extra sticks or leaves in the to make it difficult for the mice to have a place to live and seek out shelter.

Outdoors you have a few more options than you do indoors because you don't have the fear of mice dying inside your walls. Only try these techniques if you are sure they aren't in your home.

Usa bait stations. These work well at killing mice, but be aware that it's a poisonous process. For the most part these will help control the population.

Soda pop in a bowl will be attractive to the mice. It can make them sick and kill them.

Use instant mashed potatoes. These will be eaten by mice and will cause their bellies to swell and kill them.

If you have field mice inside the home, there are some ways of getting rid of them.

Clean up the house and seal up all food products completely. Don't leave clothes around the house.

Seal up any cracks you find with steel wool because mice can't chew through steel.

Inside it's harder to use poisons and baits cause children and pets could come in contact with them. Use sticky traps and traps instead to be on the safe side or better yet electronic rodent control devices.

lifting straps

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