The light of knowledge dispels the darkness of ignorance. So logical! Simply, because knowledge and ignorance are as mutually exclusive as light and darkness are. As is the nature of knowledge so is the nature of ignorance dispelled.
Here is an introduction to the knowledge that literally depicts the picture of the entire universal reality, 'Sat-Chit-Ananda'; the reality that the Nobel fame 'E = MC2' of Dr. Albert Einstein gives the bearing of. This reality, eternally and universally governs the creation, sustenance and transformation of the entire universe, maintaining its dynamic balance, from the subtlest to the grossest, bar none.
Assimilation and implementation of the guidance, contained in that knowledge, for our daily life, is bound to get one in full concurrence with the total universal reality. It is the dire emergency call of the hour for the survival of mankind and our mother earth.
Potential and Kinetic Energies.
In our daily routine life we use some kind of energy or other all the time. No matter what kind of energy it is, we know that, in one form or another, it is waiting for our demand for it to perform some kind of work. While waiting, it cannot perform any work by itself. It has potential to perform work. Our demand, like plugging in and turning On an appliance, operating a cabinet door with magnetic or spring hinges, lighting up a gas stove, driving a vehicle, turning On a lawn mower or a lawn sprinkler etc. etc., provides appropriate guide lines to convert necessary amount of energy from that waiting energy into the energy that will perform the demanded work. When it is waiting for our demand it is in the form of 'potential energy'. When, in response to our demand, needed amount of that energy gets converted to perform work it is in the form of 'kinetic energy' and our demanding action provides the guiding principle. So! What's so holy about this trinity?
Among all the possible potential energies some are more original than others. Less original ones have undergone more processes of conversion from some kind of kinetic energy or another than the more original ones. Comparison of two masses of identical volumes of water at identical heights, one pumped up into a water tank and the other one collected in a ditch on a hill from rainfall is one example. Comparison of identical voltages with identical electrical charges, one generated by a photovoltaic cell and another generated by a D.C. power supply converted from A.C. voltage supply in a domestic wall socket, is another example. Nature is filled with such examples. Considering enough of them one could concur with the above observation.
Search for the Primordial Potential Energy.
If one goes on looking for more and more original potential energy one will not fail to notice that it becomes more and more difficult to do so. That is but natural because one is going from the gross level of our awareness and knowledge to its more and more subtle level.
Progress made in Modern Physics, Quantum or Atomic Physics by man is the fruit of the years and years of persistent and pains taking efforts of numerous physicists and mathematicians. During the quest of looking for the most fundamental particle, scientists have realized a theoretical relationship between energy and matter viz. E = MC2, E being energy in Jules, M being mass in Kg.s and C being the speed of light in vacuum, in meters.
Primordial Potential Energy (Parama Shiva) Revealed.
This gave a new horizon for the on going quest for 'the most fundamental particle' with a new possibility of 'the most fundamental energy' instead, or both, spontaneously switching in between the two states; practically, we know very little about. They were, further, able to generalize those energy-centric specks, from the left side of the above equation, as the regions in space where the energy field is maximum and extremely intense (collectively, Omnipotent; qualitatively, we know very little about).
The three fields revealed, so far, are electrical, magnetic (revealing to the scientists its' self-effulgent and dual (some times 'E' behaves like a packet of energy and other times as energy waves, like the Indian concept of 'chaitanya') nature) associated with E on the left side and gravitational, proportional to M in the right side of the above equation. The two fields on the 'E' side of the above equation were unified and gave rise to the concept of quantum electromagnetic energy and the 'M' side, to the concept of quantum gravity.
Even though there are many subatomic particles being revealed and being investigated, there can be only one some such kind, in whatever form, that can be the 'most original potential energy speck or particle'. Now, even, quarks and many other sub nucleus particles are found to be unstable when standing alone, some reverting back to the E side of the equation above, probably, as spontaneously as they get transformed from the E side to the M side of the equation. It took only about 105 years from the conception of this equation, E = MC2, to verify its validity, scientifically.
Thus, you see, the subtle levels of Man's awareness and knowledge of the past become gross levels of the present and new subtle levels, to be investigated, are revealed. It is like, the higher up we go in altitude the bigger our horizon gets. Our quest for 'the most original Potential energy'/particle is like a piece of carrot held in front of a horse that makes it run after it; and what an interesting piece of carrot it is!
Some Traits of the Primordial Potential Energy.
However, the knowledge man has acquired, realized, so far, from the revelations of the spiritual mystics, seers and visionaries from the ancient times and from the on going modern day investigations and revelations to the scientists, is good enough to get some idea, some bearing of that absolutely original Potential energy in terms of a few of its qualitative attributes like being Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, absolutely passive witness (being primordial potential energy), absolutely tranquil (The energy-centric specks are absolutely motionless. Remember a microwavable substance getting heated by its molecular vibrations, in a microwave oven or the theoretical absolute 0o K(Kelvin) temperature = - 273.150C. where all the molecules in a substance are assumed to be at standstill? And now, even, atom is known not to be the most fundamental building block. So, just, imagine the temperature at the state of the motionless energy-centric specks. Now that's absolute tranquility), absolute Truth (Unexcited, those energy-centric specks stay unchanged eternally and universally. When excited, they have, already, turned into primordial kinetic energy, Aadi-Shakti, any way. The unexcited ones don't have any other feature that can, possibly, undergo any change) (Sat), absolutely Self effulgent, etc. and is not likely to change, radically, in the future.
I don't know much about the ancient cultures around the world but the ancient Indian culture did have a fairly good qualitative, if not quantitative, idea of that absolutely original Potential energy. The opening verse of 'Isha-Vasya Upanishad', viz.
"This (the manifested existence) is complete.
That (the not manifested or unmanifested existence) is complete.
If complete is added to complete (or) if
complete is removed from complete what remains is, also, complete".
("Om Poornamadh, Poornamidam, Poornat poornamudachyate |
Poornasya Poornamadaya, Poornameva avashishyate ||")
and in the later days Aadi-Shankaracharya's verses named "Atma Shatakam", in which every verse denies every human attribute to be the 'I' and ends with the proclamation 'I am Shiva' (Shivohum), are some of the indicatives of that. Here, in the first verse, above, the adjective 'complete' is used, at least, for three good reasons:
1. This Absolute (i.e. parama)Shiv, the eternal Potential Energy, chaitanya has the capacity and the complete wisdom, absolutely all the necessary programs, required for the entire creation, bar none, from the grossest of the gross to the subtlest of the subtle levels of existence.
2. Every speck of it has, right along with it, the guiding principle like radiation accompanies a glow of burning incense or a flame of a burning candle etc. or any energy-centric speck, spherically in all directions. Elaborate explanation of this follows shortly ahead.
3. Its supply is ever unending and unlimited.
This eternal, Absolute (i.e. parama) Shiva', Absolute Truth, SAT, (not to be mistaken for Shiva, Mahesh, Shankar, Neelkantha, the husband of Parvati, etc.) can be looked upon as the first character of the Trinity, mentioned in the title.
Primordial Kinetic Energy.
The third character (the second one is left for the last of the three because of its very critical function) of the Holly Trinity, as is called in the Indian culture, is 'The Aadi-Shakti', the primordial, the most original Kinetic Energy. Infinitesimally small number of the motionless, self effulgent, energy-centric specks, chaitanya, Absolute (i.e. parama) Shiva, got its first motion as a result of an absolutely accurate proclamation, a set of instructions, from its' associated primordial guiding principle, Aadi-Gurutattawa (explanation follows shortly ahead) for the specific purpose of the beginning of the process of the creation of the universe.
The absolute accuracy of proclamation and absolute efficiency of conversion of energy results, innately, in absolutely beautiful creation. That creation sustains until the new detection of either a demand or opportunity for transformation, generating new appropriate, accurate set of instructions from the primordial Guiding principle. Subsequently, the entire creation, from the subtlest to the grossest, bar none, that comes forth, inherits this cyclic nature of the Aadi-Shakti, namely, getting created for a specific purpose, sustaining in that form till it gets transformed into different form upon the next detection, mentioned above.
These cyclic traits become the natural instincts: Creation, Sustenance and Transformation. Each of these, according to Indian culture, was symbolized as Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh (Mahesh/Shiva, not to be mistaken with Absolute (i.e. parama) Shiva) in that order. As can be seen, it cannot come into existence without a purpose of a specific function; neither can it exist as a left over and nothing to do. The joy, Aananda we feel after the fulfillment of our proclamation, is the process that descends, primarily, from this Aadi-Shakti. Thus joy is one of the basic traits of the entire creation.
Guiding Principle in the Subtle.
From the initial discussion it can, easily be observed that for any energy, from the gross to the subtle level of potential and kinetic, alike, there exists a pertinent set of guiding principles, pertinent form of the guiding principle, pertinent form of Gurutattwa, right along with it. Naturally, there is the primordial, absolutely original guiding principle, "Absolutely subtle" (CHIT) Gurutattwa (the second character of the Holy Trinity), right along with the primordial, absolutely original Potential energy, Absolute (i.e. parama) Shiva. That is where all the subsequent guiding principles at the gross level come from.
Whether or not we become aware of any manifestation in the gross, it has its roots in the subtle and the subtle has its roots in the, yet subtler realm. That is why in Marathi language there is proverb that can be translated in English as "As the Micro, so the Macro", (Pindi te Bramhndi).
As a matter of fact all the natural sciences, like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, even Psychology etc. and all the natural arts, like Indian classical music and dance, Artistic Painting etc. are as much direct descendents of that primordial, absolutely original Guiding Principle, Gurutattwa as the nature itself, with mathematics as it's back bone and are, therefore, complete in themselves. It is just that our awareness, knowledge and understanding of those, is an ever-evolving process.
The conventional meaning of the Sanskrit word 'Shiva', probably from the ancient times of the beginning of Sanskrit, is 'maintenance of the universal well being and its' dynamic balance'. So, its' no wonder that the aim of the guidance of that guiding principle is to, always, promote mutual prosperity and harmony among and will maintain the dynamic balance of the entire creation all the way from the grossest to the subtlest of existence.
Similarly, its' no wonder that each and every genuine problem, disharmony, misery, conflict, bar none, from individual to global in nature and from the grossest to the subtlest, has it's root in the straying of our awareness and behavior, away from the universal guiding principle, Gurutattwa. Also, as the opposite side of the same reality, each and every genuine problem, disharmony, misery, conflict, from individual to global in nature and from the grossest to the subtlest, bar none, has its solution, in our awareness and behavior, being concurrent and in sync with the universal guiding principle, Gurutattwa.
The guiding principle, Gurutattwa, associated with Absolute (i.e. parama)Shiv, the primordial, the most original Potential Energy, is the second character of the Trinity.
Some Noteworthy Features of the Guiding Principle.
What is noteworthy is that such is the greatness and awesomeness of The Gurutattwa that Absolute (i.e. parama) Shiva and Aadi-Shakti, as our Maharaj (Mr. Abhaykumar Ganagdhar Sardar is the founder of the registered Public Charitable Trust, "GURUTATWAYOGA", situated at Paranjape Road, 1221/A/2, Shivajinagar, Pune 411004, India.) says, are the toddlers that play in its lap. This is how it is. If it was not for the Gurutattwa, Absolute (i.e. parama)Shiv, even though it exists eternally, being absolutely, ultimately passive witness, would have only gone on existing, doing nothing, no creation whatsoever; and without Gurutattwa Aadi-Shakti would have never come into existence therefore no creation whatsoever.
'As the demand so the supply' is one law Gurutattwa never seems to veer from. This is one law that can empower a seeker, ardent enough devotee, to make Gurutattwa behave in a seemingly illogical way, giving it a color of miracle, to fulfill the demand of the devotee. Our Maharaj has, already, articulated, qualitatively, on several occasions, how it is done, that appears at several places in the five volumes of "Gurutattwayog-Shodh(seek) & Bodh(understand)", a private publication of the Regd. Public Charitable Trust "Gurutattwayoga" of Pune, India.
This law, also, explains the relationship between the guiding principle in the form of awareness (of detection of demand or opportunity) and the guiding principle in the form of resolve or proclamation (to fulfill it). Of course, Indian culture is filled with such seemingly miraculous incidences. That is because "As the demand so the supply" is the superseding logic. Upon detection of either a demand or an opportunity, it will create or transform appropriate kinetic energy for the desired result, even at the subtlest level of apparent lack of existence. Obviously, because the respective potential energy and the corresponding set of Guiding Principles, Gurutattwa exists there too.
This logic, 'as the demand so the supply', could, very well, be one of the keys to the cycles of evolution and involution. The enormous variety of creation is brought forth to us by TV channels like National Geographic, Discovery, Animal Planet etc., all the time in praise of Gurutattwa, the Universal Guiding Principle, for us to appreciate The Holy Trinity and its functioning.
As any speck of flame or light has its own energy radiation going out, spherically in all directions, so has every energy-centric speck, chaitanya, has its own radiation, Gurutattwa, the guiding principle, associated with it, radiating out in all directions. This is what connects every speck of chaitanya, unexcited or excited, alike, to all the rest of them. This forms a multidimensional and multidirectional web of simultaneous trans-receiver communication system of awareness, consciousness, making and fulfilling proclamations and makes the entire universe, as Maharaj says, 'a living entity'. It leaves, eternally, universally, not a speck of time or space, at all, without the existence of the guiding principle, Gurutattwa, the absolutely subtle (CHIT) and absolutely expansive.
Eternal and Absolute Upside Down Tree.
Thus is the eternal and universal tree of the Holy Trinity. It has its roots, the absolute, primordial potential energy (Parama Shiv) in the subtle and the entire flora and the fauna, the sum total of universal kinetic energy (Parama Shakti), the scientific and artistic creation in the gross. The cosmic religion, Gurutattwa, the guiding principle is the life force of this Holy Tree, encompassing both subtle and gross. Considering a normal tree with its roots in the gross ground and the flora and the fauna in the subtle air, isn't the tree of the 'Holy Trinity' upside down? This may remind the reader of the opening verse of chapter 15of Bhagawat Geeta.
Stem Cell Technology, A Good Example.
Currently evolving Stem Cell technology is a good example to understand how the team of the Holy Trinity functions. The principle, here, is that the more basic the cell is, the more various different programs it has stored in it. Whatever function a cell gets assigned, corresponding program gets activated and the others become dormant.
At the most subtle level of existence where above principle, subsequently, descends from, at the level of Absolute (i.e. parama) Shiv, every chaitanya, energy-centric speck, mentioned above, has, absolutely, every necessary program for, absolutely, every possible creation or transformation, ever. These programs are, simply, the ability of chaitanya to take on any necessary and accurate motion, set in by Gurutattwa, the guiding principle, in the form of proclamation, in response to the awareness of, the detection of either a demand or an opportunity of creation or transformation. Since there is no M (mass) involved in the energy-centric speck, chaitanya, there is no inertia to resist any motion. This 'ability' is the wisdom, Science form of Absolute (i.e. parama) Shiv, the Omniscent one. The ability to take on the rest of the motions remains dormant. The 'accurate proclamation in response is the knowledge/technology form of Gurutatttwa. Thus, as Maharaj says, this entire universe is the sport of 'awareness', 'proclamation' and 'motion of chaitanya'.
Guiding Principle in Human Life.
The common, domestic examples given at the start of this article are from the areas of domestic, applied science and engineering and are used for clear, practical explanation of the concepts. However, the concepts hold true, just the same, for each and every aspect of life and existence of manifestation from gross to subtle alike; bar none. Examples of the ways and means of the guidance from Gurutattwa, the Guiding Principle are innumerable; the expanse of its ability, to do so, unfathomable.
If we abuse our body in any way, we start getting messages from within us not to do so. Not only that but also there is a corrective side to the nature of the guiding principle, not just passive but active and with varying intensity. If we act on those messages promptly enough, we are safe. The longer we ignore them, the more intense those suggestions and actions become. After a certain limit is crossed it doesn't hesitate to resort to the last option of the most radical transformation of the subject. If our skin bruises and starts to bleed, a scab starts to form right away. However, if it doesn't form fast enough, one could bleed to death.
When we think hard and long enough we feel exhausted. That is because an appropriate form of kinetic energy, derived from an appropriate form of potential energy, available to us gets used up. Here, also, an appropriate form of the guiding principle guides that derivation. What is, popularly known as 'the sixth sense', 'the instinct' etc., are nothing but the guidance from the respective form of the guiding principle, Gurutattwa. Every incidence that takes place in our life does so only to teach us some thing harmonious with Gurutattwa.
Guiding Principle, the Prompter.
This Guiding principle, Gurutattwa, has, already, written the universal drama in which eternal, universal harmony and prosperity among all the species and constituents along with the universal dynamic balance is the result. This Guiding principle is, also the producer, the director and the prompter of this drama. Also, as seen above, there is a corrective side to the prompting of the guiding principle to accomplish that result. Truly, it is not possible to say fully or even enough about the universal guiding principle, Gurutattwa. Even then, the words can be, at least, capable of giving fairly good bearing of the whole picture, if we avoid getting stuck into words.
To achieve, to assimilate Gurutattwayoga is to develop a selfless relationship with Gurutattwa; to become an absolutely passive instrument in its hands. It is to come out from under the influence of our acquired socio-cultural nature acquired since our birth and get back under the influence of our innate, child-like innocent nature we had until our birth. It is to become one with Gurutattwa by our awareness. This is a royal path to become a true Karma Yogi, a performer, whose every action becomes, naturally, the most accurate and the most efficient, because that is the way Gurutattwa works and is using one as its medium. Practically, what more can one ask for?
Gurutattwayoga, The Cosmic Religion.
Dr. Albert Einstein, once, said, "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion, based on experience and free of dogma". If there exists anything like a cosmic religion, which it does, (except, among all the species, human specie is the only one, that has been successfully ignoring the universal guidance, Gurutattwa and so has become unhappy and miserable,) then Gurutattwayoga has to be it. However, the future of the mankind that he talks about, doesn't seem, will begin until man is all done with abusing all the Man made religions, inflicting misery and injustice on the fellow human society that he is capable of inflicting.
However, considering the nature of the guidance from Gurutattwa, the guiding Principle, mentioned above, namely, maintaining the Universal harmony, welfare and the dynamic balance, it is obvious that the sooner we understand and assimilate Gurutattwayoga the sooner will we end our own misery and misery around us.
EAR Warmer